Key Inventions 1996 Spherical Nucleic Acids 1999 Dip-Pen Nanolithography (DPN) 2000 Scanometric Assay 2001 Nanoparticle Synthesis and Shape Control 2005 On-Wire Lithography (OWL) 2006 Spherical Nucleic Acids (SNAs) as Gene Regulation Agents: Enabling Genetic Medicines 2007 Nano-flares 2008 Polymer Pen Lithography (PPL): Establishing the Field of Cantilever-Free Scanning Probe Lithography 2010 Scanning Probe Block Co-Polymer Lithography (SPBCL) 2010 Beam Pen Lithography (BPL) 2019 Immunostimulatory Spherical Nucleic Acids (IS-SNAs): Cancer Vaccines